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China calls for the prevention of a space arms race

My uncle Zosiman

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China is calling for a global consensus and a legally binding agreement to prevent an outer space arms race. China's ambassador for disarmament affairs, Liu Shihaoudi, told the delegates to the UN Conference on Disarmament Affairs: "In our opinion, the main concern is to continue to create a global consensus to prevent the armament and arms race of outer space in the form of a legal obligation or other legal enforcement.

Hyo presented 2 unofficial documents written by China and Russia together that emphasize the concerns of the 2 countries regarding the lack of proper definition and enforcement of the prevention of weapons in outer space and concludes that enforcement will be extremely difficult in terms of cost and technology. Hew said a proper enforcement protocol will be necessary in the future.
The documents also concluded that existing agreements have failed to effectively prevent the testing, deployment and use of weapons, except those of mass killing, in outer space.
Hiew added that "no agreement that exists today covers the fear of using force from Earth against entities in outer space."

The knowledge of man and space

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