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Writer Robert Shekley has died

Reut Almog, ISF

The MDV writer Robert Shekley, died last Friday (9/12) at the age of 77, of a blood clot in his brain.

Shekley was a prolific writer, who wrote novellas, screenplays, short stories and more.
In his youth he published his short stories in science fiction magazines, and wrote for the series 'Captain Video'. Based on his first book "Immortality Inc" a movie called "Freejack" was made, starring Anthony Hopkins, Mick Jagger, Rene Russo and Emilio Estevez.

Among other things, Shakelli wrote books together with the fantasy writer Roger Zilazny, and edited the literary magazine 'Omni' for two years.
Shekley even managed to visit Israel recently, on behalf of the Hot Spice channel, and signed his books among the Russian-speaking audience in the country.

His books translated into Hebrew:
A hunter's victim, the favorite victim, a collection of stories called 'The People's Trap' - all published by Odyssey.
Many of his short stories were also translated into Hebrew, and published in the 'Fantasia 2000' booklets.

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