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Hot hot but apparently Europe is cooling down/Dr. Assaf Rosenthal

Dr. Assaf Rosenthal

The Atlantic Conveyor and the Gulf Stream

Now, after the cold waves that "attacked" Europe, it is possible that the inhabitants of the continent should start preparing and getting used to it
For a freezing cold period even more than the cold and hard winters they have known so far, right? J

The Gulf Stream is known and recognized and its importance to the European continent is known, which it warms and thus moderates the winter, without the warming effect of the Gulf Stream, the European winter would be very dry and cold to a large extent.
The Gulf Stream is part of the "Oceanic Conveyor Belt" to which I have previously referred. The same "conveyor belt" begins its journey north of Antarctica as a cold current in which less salty water flows from its surroundings and therefore remains in the upper part
of the "water column" that makes its way north, in front of the coast of southern Africa, it causes the south of the continent to cool and the formation of the Namib and Kalahari deserts. Upon reaching the equatorial region, the water heats up and branches into two currents, one current creates a flow circle of warm water, a flow that contributes to the increased rainfall in Central America. The section that continues north changes its name - to the Gulf Stream and continues parallel to the shores of Europe. After warming the European continent, the Gulf Stream reaches the Arctic Circle.

Meanwhile, along the long road, the salinity level of the water increased and at the same time the temperature decreased, an increase in salinity and cooling each separately and both together cause a high specific gravity and therefore the water sinks, changes direction - south and continues to flow in the depths of the ocean as a current of cold water.

So far it is a familiar and well-known process, even if the reasons and factors for it are not clear, now research and measurement data are coming from various and many sources according to the World Organization for the Conservation of Nature and the Environment WWF and according to a research team of Wood Hole University in the USA Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution there is a direct connection And continuous between the strength of the flow of the oceanic conveyor belt in general and the Gulf Stream in particular, and the temperatures in Europe, seemingly a clear connection, but this time by examining sediments on the beaches and comparing them to climate data in the past, data obtained from examining remains of vegetation, fossils, air pockets trapped in ice, it clearly turns out that a decrease The flow speed of the conveyor causes cooling.
On the other hand, researchers claim that according to the evidence of the ice research in Greenland, the current has strengthened in the last 20,000 years. Let's remember that this is roughly the period when we "came out" from the ice age to an intermediate period. According to a study conducted by ocean researchers from the University of San Diego, the results of which are published in the prestigious "Nature" magazine, about 55 million years ago there was a period of "global warming" in which the ambient temperatures rose by 5-7 degrees. Palaeocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM). Accordingly, the flow of the oceanic conveyor belt changed, this is according to the findings of the chemical composition (isotopes of carbon) in shell fossils extracted from the ocean floor. According to the researchers, the change in cold flow in a short time - thousands of years, while after the warm period, the conveyor belt returned to its flow only after hundreds of thousands of years. The researchers say that no Find the direct and immediate cause of the reversal of the flow, but it can be concluded that in a hot period more rain falls and glaciers melt, two sources of fresh water that cause changes.
In recent years, global warming has been measured and at the same time a decrease in the speed of the conveyor belt flow, according to a computer simulation: an increase of two degrees in the global temperature will result in a 25-30% decrease in the speed of the Gulf Stream. A decrease in speed in combination with the addition of water from the melting glaciers will result in a rapid sinking of the water to the depth, that is, it will eliminate the warming effect of the Gulf Stream.

Thus, according to a computer model, the temperature in Europe will drop by 6 degrees. I haven't seen the Hollywood movie about the glacial "catastrophe" that is hitting the world because of global warming, but according to predictions, global warming could lead to a "mini ice age" in Europe.

Dr. Assaf Rosenthal
Tour guide/leader in Africa and the Dram
For details, phone 08 6372298 / 0505640309
A compilation of Dr. Assaf Rosenthal's articles on the Hidan site

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