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The plastic poison

A new study reveals that the plastic components in waste have a serious medical effect on humans * but humanity continues to create unnecessary products from it

plastic bag. The peak of pollution.
plastic bag. The peak of pollution.

Much has been written about the harm caused by plastic. Now a study is published that tested the effect of plastic components on rodents (and humans), the study is published in a special chapter dedicated to plastics "A Plastic World" in the Environmental Research monthly. The research summary is published here.

Among the ingredients in plastic and the chemical derivatives of these ingredients are chemicals such as bisphenol, phthalates, brominated that harm the nervous system and harm behavior, block the production of the hormone testosterone and harm the reproductive system, harm brain development, harm the activity of the thyroid gland and thereby cause a general failure in activities the body

Two separate articles describe the similar negative results in studies in rats and mice that were exposed in the embryonic stage to the plastic components, two other articles add and describe the contamination of watercourses and damage to moisture systems - by the aforementioned chemicals. Among other things: the pollution of the Pacific Ocean with plastic causes harm to the life system in the ocean and its environment.

For the first time, a series of articles (written by different parties) appears, all of which deal with plastic pollution. Millions of tons of chemicals that make up different types of plastic have been identified, chemicals that evaporate from the polluting product and cause previously unknown damage.

How is it possible without updating what is happening with us? In preparation for the holidays, the inhabitants of the country went out to "spend" in nature. It can be assumed that this time too - as after every holiday and festival, the "spinners" will not forget to scatter their trash in their surroundings, trash in which the toxic plastic bags play an important role, so maybe there is another way?

Maybe we can stop the hysteria of bags with every purchase? And if there are already bags, is it possible to collect all the garbage in them and send it to the place it came from? Back to cars and trash cans in the city (and in the village)? Maybe after all the inhabitants of the country will see that their environment is important to them?

Happy holiday and clean!

More of the topic in Hayadan:

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