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A "smart virus" was able to eliminate cancer cells in the brain - only harming the diseased cells

The virus only destroyed the infected cells and did not harm the healthy cells at all

Avi Blizovsky

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Researchers from the University of Texas in the United States succeeded in destroying cancer cells in the brains of mice by treating them with a "smart" virus, which only harmed the infected cells and not the healthy cells. This is the first effective treatment for glioma, the deadliest brain cancer. The virus was injected directly into the cancerous tumor in the mice's brain. It spread in the tumor itself, while killing the cancer cells, without harming the healthy cells. When there are no more cancer cells left, the virus itself dies. The article was published in the May 7 issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

Juan Fueyo, MD, an assistant professor in MD Anderson's Department of Neuro-Oncology

The cure, called Delta-24-RGD, is considered the first treatment of its kind against this serious disease, which is the deadliest of all brain cancers. This is a new generation method of "replication-competent oncolytic" = an advanced healing method defined as a healing virus that can spread in waves through the tumor, damage and kill cancer cells. There is currently no treatment against the difficult types of brain cancer, and before the study only a few animal experiments were performed that showed any improvement.

The treatment succeeded in curing about 60% of the mice from cancer. The researchers hope to start conducting trials in brain cancer patients as early as next year. Following the success of the research, funding has already been obtained for the continuation of the experiments, but it is not clear whether the results will be as successful in humans as well.

"Treatment with biological viruses like this could be exactly what is needed to deal with complex and insidious diseases like cancer," explained one of the researchers, Juan Fueyo, an assistant professor at Anderson Hospital, in the Department of Neuro-Oncology. "Viruses are just as smart and use many tricks in an attempt to invade cells and reproduce."

Dr. Shalom Michovitz, director of pediatric neurosurgery at the Schneider Pediatric Center and a senior physician in the neurosurgery department at the Rabin Medical Center in Petach Tikva, told Maariv: "There is no doubt that this is an advanced study with results that have not been observed to date, but there are still many, many question marks. For example, will the same virus succeed in destroying cancer cells in people as well and will the virus not penetrate healthy cells, change their genetic load and cause changes and the appearance of other malignant diseases."
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