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"Star Wars: Attack of the Clones". A cartoon sequel to the Madev movie on the CARTOON channel

Knight in a cartoon spaceship

Star Wars - Attack of the Checkered - the animated version
Star Wars - Attack of the Checkered - the animated version

Yesterday they started airing the mini-series "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" on Carton Network. This is an animated series made in collaboration with Lucas Film, the production company of George Lucas, who created the "Star Wars" film series for the cinema. The animation begins where the movie "Star Wars: Attack of the Clones" ended, which was the last movie released. During the week, a new episode of the series will be broadcast every day, on Saturday all the episodes of the week will be broadcast in sequence, and so will the following week. In the United States, the ten-episode mini-series was successful, and next April another ten-episode mini-series will be aired according to the same principle.

The cartoon series has new characters, battles and stories, alongside the familiar characters from the cinema such as Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. It follows the story of the Jedi Knights who lead the clone army of the Republic against evil forces invading the galaxy. The Jedi in the series is Keith Fisto, who leads a unit of clone warriors to attack the water planet Moon Calamari. The black forces are represented by Count Dooku, the leader of the separatist movement, with a mysterious warrior, the essence of evil, Iman.

"Star Wars: The Clone Wars". Carton Network. 18:00, 15:30 and 19:30
Ruth Kupfer, Haaretz, voila!

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