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The number of bears in Sweden has doubled - you can hunt more

Swedish bear. Their number increased to 2,000

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After the bear population doubled in Sweden, the country's authorities are considering increasing the number of bears allowed to be hunted there. This is what officials in the Swedish government said yesterday (Thursday).

The spokesman for Sweden's Environmental Protection Agency, Anders Wetterin, claimed that the number of bears in the country has increased from a thousand in 1996 to more than 2,000 this year. According to him, the number of bears may be higher, about 2,800, but there is no official confirmation of this.

At the beginning of the 20th century the bear population was almost extinct in Sweden. As a result, they limited the number of bears that could be hunted per year. Last year, for example, it was allowed to hunt 74 bears a year. In addition, Veterin says, the bears began to breed more frequently.

But now, Veterin said, after the bears have multiplied, they may increase the number of bears allowed to be hunted per year.

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