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The ecological environment was discovered as part of a nature survey conducted by the Society for the Protection of Nature for the Municipality of Modi'in Maccabim Re'ot and financed and accompanied by the Ministry of Environmental Protection
After a summer without jellyfish, and the enormous size of the jellyfish in the winter swarms, we expect that the coming summer will be relatively abundant in jellyfish," said Dr. Dor Edelist, a marine biologist from the University of Haifa
The research insights of Yulia Rivkin from the Faculty of Life Sciences in Bar-Ilan open up an opportunity for in-depth research into the effect of stress on the nervous system
After an unusually jellyfish-free summer, a swarm of wandering filamentous jellyfish has been seen in recent days off the coast of Haifa
Satellites and drones can provide vital information that can contribute to the protection of nature's pollinators. New research is exploring new ways to utilize these technologies to track the availability of flowers, where this research may be combined with behavioral studies to see the world through the eyes of insects
The box contains dried butterflies that were collected in the Land of Israel between the years 1863-1865 by delegations of the Anglican Church and have now been donated to the Steinhart Museum of Nature at Tel Aviv University
The shrimp has a particularly bright white color on its back and limbs that are intended to attract fish, which it 'cleanses' of pests it feeds on. An in-depth examination of the white substance using special electron microscopes revealed that the substance consists of an incredibly thin layer of very dense nanospheres (spheres of very tiny diameter)
Chinese researchers propose combining genes from tardigrades (water bears) to improve the ability of human cells to deal with radioactive radiation
Special for Passover: It turns out that slavery is not limited to humans, and various insects survive and multiply in nature thanks to the "slavery" of other species. So what do an army of small ants and Sparta have in common? What were the ladybugs telling their psychologist? And who survives thanks to an army of drugged security guards?
Development of water collection and transport systems based on the characteristics of the desert beetle and the female beetle
By using an innovative microscope, they were able to identify for the first time the process in which the seashell produces crystals used for vision, and discovered that it is similar to the process of the formation of freckles in humans
A wasp gathers as food for its future offspring larvae that contain maggots of another wasp in their bodies, thus harming their survival
In a first calculation of its kind, the weight of all the insects, spiders and their terrestrial relatives in the world was found
The power of a group - the electrifying version: British researchers discovered that swarms of bees carry a particularly powerful electrical charge. It turns out that the buzz is literal
The flexibility of her central nervous system allows her to stretch when laying her eggs in the soil to 2 or 3 times her original length, then quickly return to her normal length without damage
The researchers estimate that this figure is the cause or at least strongly related to the beehive collapse syndrome
The research findings illustrate how changing the synapse map may lead to a change in behavior
Arthropods are the "main force" that breaks down plants in the desert - thus they help the functioning of the desert ecosystem
Symbiosis with bacteria allows worms and oysters to feed on natural gas and sulfur compounds - and teaches us about ways to produce energy
Gidi shares with us a dispute in his family: are cockroaches dangerous to health or just a nuisance? Another question: can cockroaches really survive a nuclear attack
The Honey Council: due to the massive disappearance of honey bees in the world, the studies on the honey bee and the act of pollination - without which humanity would not have food from plants - were expanded
Impressive learning abilities, unique pollination methods and fur that is nice to pet (but not worth it): studies from recent years reveal the amazing world of bumblebees, and warn against the severe damage to them due to the climate crisis. Special for International Bee Day
Although they have been on Earth for over 500 million years, researchers still do not know enough about jellyfish, the reasons for their reproduction, their migration routes, and more, and measures from different scientific fields were required to reach a conclusion
Researchers used an innovative method to replace proteins used to stick molluscs to different surfaces, developing a stronger-than-expected glue
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