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Evolution and nature

An international group of scientists, including researchers from Ben Gurion University, suggest adding a natural molecule that will significantly reduce biological infections in the oral cavity.
On the way in which vocal expressions can convey emotional information, especially in powerful experiences, and on the importance of the visual context
32 plant and forest researchers from all over the world published an article in the journal Trends in Plant Science in which they examined all these claims
A research robot discovered a colorful abundance of life at a depth of a kilometer in the sea * Researchers examined how a unique and abundant environment was created, in the depths of the sea, off the coast of Israel
Researchers have discovered that the skeletal muscle composition of the blind rat is preserved throughout its life, delaying its aging
Until now, the low temperatures of the Mediterranean water in winter have been a barrier to the arrival of tropical corals. The establishment of the Dendronaphtia we found indicates that at least last winter, the waters of the Mediterranean Sea were warmer than before
The primitive facial architecture of the gorilla as a key to understanding human facial expressions
A new Israeli study examined the siksak, a common species of bird - and found that urban siksaks are braver than their rural brethren. Although we usually all appreciate this beautiful feature, it is possible that the change in behavior in question is actually not so positive for these birds
In the Gaza Strip there is no law or supervision against fishing for protected species - therefore, sharks and bats that are in danger of extinction are hunted there freely. A new Israeli study presents a method for collecting data from social networks that allows us to map the phenomenon, and find out what is happening in the Gaza Strip
The need to hunt small animals caused prehistoric man to improve his mental abilities in order to perfect his hunting tools
A new study conducted at the University of Haifa found that even the sniper fish, which lack the "higher" areas of the cerebral cortex, which are seen as being responsible for social behavior, act in a pro-social way towards their friends, until they feel "cheated"
According to Dr. Motty Charter, the fact that two amateur observers are the ones who identified the raccoon, an endangered species, through watching the Charter Group's Birds Online YouTube channel, highlights the enormous importance of citizen science in protecting wildlife.
An examination of known growth laws that were discovered recently, led to the discovery of new growth laws
A new Israeli study presents a solution to the many accidents between aircraft and winged creatures, and for the first time succeeds in identifying with the help of radar flocks of large birds, which until now were considered "invisible"
The new system was discovered in bacteria - but is also used in corals, bees and others
The animal that breaks the laws of nature: a new Israeli study reveals that the colonies of the flower botryll, a unique marine creature, age in their entirety - and then return to being young again. The phenomenon received the term "Orshina rhythm" - the Talmudic name of the mythological phoenix
New discoveries about how the result of infection with a virus from the herpes family is determined and where dormant viruses may hide in the body
Climate change may lead to the collapse of the population of lizards that are common in the deserts of the Land of Israel
New research shines a positive light on biological stigma
The people who lived in the Hula valley hundreds of thousands of years ago made long journeys to obtain quality raw material for the production of hand stones
IBM's artificial intelligence model was able to find compounds that bind to different sites on target proteins against the corona disease caused by the covid virus and this without knowing the mechanism of the attachment of the virus to the cell
Bats, urban heat islands, Tel Aviv University, zoology, geography, interdisciplinary research, biologically assisted sampling, smart cities, the Internet of Things, air pollution,
Chapter nine from the book: "The Free Man - Evolutionary Psychology, Brain Research and Understanding the Mind"
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