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Y chromosome

Scientists have successfully sequenced the entire human Y chromosome, revealing critical genomic features. This groundbreaking research offers deep insights into human biology and potential medical advances. The new sequence reveals genomic factors in fertility, including sperm production.
For 1.5 billion years, the mitochondria - the powerhouse of the cell - have been sending DNA segments to the cell nucleus, and they merge with the DNA in the nucleus. A new study found that the contribution of the mitochondria to the DNA in the cell nucleus gradually decreases. This process is expected to reduce the incidence of some hereditary diseases
Researchers spread transgenic mosquito eggs containing a genetic defect that they transfer to the mosquito population in areas plagued by mosquito-borne diseases, thereby reducing the mosquito population to a considerable extent
The middle: genetic editing of the Y chromosome
 University researchers have identified a new type of organelle that has not been discovered in gametes before. According to them, a failure in its function causes infertility because it is responsible for the organization of the chromosomes in the sex cells: "The discovery advances us towards finding medical solutions"
Shmuel is worried about our future, the men "I heard that the male Y chromosome is diminishing over time, is it possible that every generation male mammals are losing more and more of their characteristics? Is it possible that they will disappear?"
Judith asks: "Why do women live longer than men?"
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