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Fish that change their distribution towards the poles due to climate change are declining in abundance
According to a UN survey, almost half of the migratory species suffer damage, and about a quarter are in danger of extinction. The most serious situation is that of the migratory fish species, with almost 97% of them in danger due to overfishing
Dr. Assaf Rosenthal quotes one of the participants following the climate conference in Dubai: "Humanity must stop using nature as a toilet", "Humanity has become a weapon of mass destruction".
Says Prof. Bela Galil, a senior marine biologist who works as a researcher and curator at the Steinhardt Museum of Nature at Tel Aviv University. In addition, she was one of the three main authors of the chapter on "Effects of Invasions
This is according to a report by the UN's IPBES committee, the equivalent of the IPCC that reports on the climate crisis
These days, Ukraine is working on a surprising reconstruction plan for the moment after the end of the fighting: the country is not content only with the reconstruction of the ruins, but also seeks to rebuild itself in a more ecological and sustainable way
At a time when animal species are disappearing at an alarming rate, new Australian research gives reason for hope, revealing that 29 native species have fully recovered - thanks to human actions
The Permian Mass Extinction (LPME) that occurred approximately 250 million years ago was the largest extinction event in Earth's history to date, resulting in the loss of 80-90% of life on Earth
The biomass of cows, pigs, sheep and other farm animals is currently 30 times greater than that of all elephants, elk and other wild land mammals combined
At the international level, Israel joined about a year ago the HAC and GOA coalitions, which unite about 120 countries that undertake to promote the "30 x 30" goal - in favor of protecting 30% of the global terrestrial and marine ecosystems by
The researchers estimate that this figure is the cause or at least strongly related to the beehive collapse syndrome
The researchers who are trying to save the biblical eagle from extinction in Israel
Professor Vared Tzin from Ben-Gurion University's desert research institutes isolated the genes that help wheat defend itself against pests. The discovery has enormous significance for wheat crops in the world
The increase in global trade allows the marine animals to migrate to distant countries to establish themselves and spread as invasive species - when they cause damage to many marine infrastructures and other animals in their new environment.
About a fifth of the world's reptile species are in danger of extinction
A new study found that genes from an Israeli wild plant may help protect wheat from one of the biggest threats to its existence
This is according to an article published by researchers who examined the mass extinction of humans over the past tens of thousands of years. The researchers found that the brains of large extinct species were smaller on average than that of
Researchers from the Hebrew University found that nitrogen pollution caused by human activities has a direct effect on the decline in the variety of species in about a hundred sites in the world, including Beit Govrin: "Not enough efforts have been made in Israel to estimate the
The combination of climate change, loss of biodiversity and pollution and the accumulation of garbage in the environment are issues that need to be addressed together according to the United Nations
A delegation of researchers from the Faculty of Life Sciences, in collaboration with the Steinhardt Natural History Museum, flew to the other end of the world and participated in a conference on the conservation of biological diversity in the Galapagos Islands
The climate crisis is followed by the collapse of many living systems in large areas of the earth. It is fitting that humanity acknowledges the damage done to humanity and the vital need to remedy its consequences
Although it is a common animal, it was difficult to see it active on daily trips, since during the day it hides in burrows and only goes out to look for food at night, at least that was the case until recent years when there
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