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space telescopes

These are relatively close galaxies that face the Earth. The research reveals new details about the way galaxies are formed
The first galaxies were much less developed than the spiral and spherical galaxies that exist today, which are actually the result of mergers, both because of the stage of development but also because of the conditions that prevailed at the time
Two of these galaxies close to each other are a rare type of emission line galaxies, because they are undergoing a massive process of new star birth. The others are at different distances but line up nicely in a row
The stunning image represents one of the most comprehensive views of the universe ever taken, revealing a rich landscape of galaxies along with more than a dozen variable objects discovered for the first time
The James Webb Space Telescope discovered a previously unseen jet stream in Jupiter's atmosphere. Similar phenomena have been observed in Saturn, and both may be related to temperature variations in the atmospheres of the gas giants
The Ring Nebula, formed by a star shedding its outer layers, is a classic example of a planetary nebula and is also relatively close to us.
From our own cosmic backyard in the Solar System to distant galaxies at the dawn of time, the NASA/European Space Agency/CSA James Webb Space Telescope has delivered on its promise to reveal the universe like never before
On July 1, 2023, the Euclid space telescope was successfully launched aboard Space-X's Falcon 9 rocket. It aims to explore the mysterious components of the universe, dark matter and dark energy
Astroscale's collaboration with the Momentos company offers NASA a commercial solution that will allow the famous satellite - which recently celebrated its 33rd birthday - to be attached and towed to an orbit that will also be cleaned of space debris
Webb recorded what remained after the death of a star only 11 thousand light years away from us. It is a relatively new supernova - only 350 years old
A computerized system classifies the atmospheres of planets outside the solar system. and determines which of them are capable of sustaining human settlement in the future
One of these galaxies is observed as it appeared about 300 million years after the Big Bang and shines much brighter than expected. This figure now makes researchers estimate that the first galaxies were formed 100 million years after the Big Bang
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope captured a lush and highly detailed view of the "Pillars of Creation," a region where new stars form within dense clouds of gas and dust previously captured in an iconic image on
A combination of photographs taken by the two large space telescopes in partially overlapping wavebands made it possible to identify new details about the role of interstellar dust in connections between neighboring galaxies
Webb's instruments reveal new details about star formation
The light spectrum - which contains information about the composition of a planetary atmosphere at a distance of 1,150 light years - reveals a clear signature of water * The strength of the signal that Webb detected hints at the significant role
The proximity of four of the five Stefan galaxies to each other (the fifth only seems close) allows astronomers to ignite galactic mergers and intergalactic reactions. And also how the black holes affect the flow of matter
"Cosmic Cliffs" images show Webb's cameras' ability to peer through cosmic dust, shedding new light on how stars form * Webb's technology can help watch the process
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has revealed details of the Southern Ring Nebula that were previously hidden from astronomers. * For the first time, the second star in the binary system, one of whose members has exploded, can be clearly seen * First article
Tonight, July 12, starting at midnight, the American space agency NASA will reveal the first scientific photographs of this advanced space telescope, at a press conference chaired by US President Joe Biden, and NASA head Bill Nelson
So far, the preparations for the operation of the James Webb Space Telescope are progressing as planned
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