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A space center named after the late Col. Ilan Ramon will be established for the first time in Taiba by the Ministry of Science and Technology in cooperation with the Prime Minister's Office

A similar center was recently inaugurated in Rikha. Minister Hershkovitz: "When I entered the ministry, I worked to formulate plans to make science accessible to the entire population, with an emphasis on the periphery and the minority sectors" * The minister dismissed MK Tibi's criticism that Ramon harmed citizens and therefore should not be commemorated in the Arab sector

The commander of the Columbia flight STS-107 Rick Husband and the Israeli astronaut Ilan Ramon
Columbia STS-107 flight commander Rick Husband and Israeli astronaut Ilan Ramon: from space you can't see borders

An innovative space center named after the late Col. Ilan Ramon will be established for the first time in Taiba by the Ministry of Science and Technology in cooperation with the Prime Minister's Office. The center will serve the residents of the triangle area and will include advanced and innovative scientific equipment for study, experience and enrichment purposes. The inauguration of the center will take place on June 26, 2012 in the presence of the Minister of Science and Technology Prof. Daniel Hershkowitz.

In the news published on YNET It was reported that MK Ahmed Tibi, a resident of the city, expressed opposition to the move and appealed to the Minister of Science and Technology, Daniel Hershkowitz, to cancel the project. According to him, Ramon was a fighter pilot in the Air Force, and "participated in bombings of the civilian population in the First Lebanon War and attacks in Arab countries." He added that calling the center after his name "could hurt the feelings of the local residents and the Arab sector in general."

This center is part of a series of science centers established by the Ministry of Science and Technology in the settlements of the periphery, among others also in the settlements of the Arab Society. Recently, the ministry inaugurated a space center named after Ilan Ramon for the Druze society in Arka. 800,000 shekels were invested in the establishment of the centers.

The decision to establish the center in Taiba was made following a tender published by the Ministry of Science and Technology to the Arab authorities for the establishment of a space center in which Taiba won. The tender clearly states that the center that will be established will be named after Ilan Ramon since the money for the establishment of the center is from the Ramon Fund, which sits in the Ministry of Science and Technology.

The centers will be equipped with the best equipment necessary for running scientific programs in the field of space, such as a planetarium, a solar telescope, an optical telescope, a star projector, and more. The aim of the center is to expand and deepen the scientific and technological knowledge, thinking and curiosity among children and youth residents of the region, as well as to provide them with the tools that will allow them to integrate into the fields of science. The centers will serve all the residents of the triangle area, from preschool to senior citizens. The center will be active during the day for school students and in the afternoon there will be classes for the general population. The head of the center will be the director of the Peace Center in Tayba.

The inauguration ceremony of the Ilan Ramon Space Center will be held on June 26, 2012 in the presence of the Minister of Science and Technology Rabbi Prof. Daniel Hershkowitz, the Director General of the Ministry of Science and Technology Menachem Greenblum, Mayor Tayba Paik Odeh, Iman Seif from the Prime Minister's Office and Mrs. Rona Ramon.

The response of the CEO of the Ramon Foundation, Ariel Brickman: "The Ramon Foundation will continue to invest in youth, regardless of their origin or place of residence, believing that the future lies in the quality of the younger generation. The foundation was established under the inspiration of Ilan and Assaf Ramon in order to encourage personal excellence and moral and scientific education for young people throughout Israel. "

Minister of Science and Technology Prof. Daniel Hershkowitz: "When I entered the office, I directed the professional elements to formulate plans to make science accessible to the entire population, with an emphasis on the periphery. In this framework, we invest a lot in informal education, mentoring and enrichment classes that yield amazing results. The establishment of space centers in the periphery is part of this idea, which aims to nurture and enrich the future generation in the various fields of science and to reduce gaps in Israeli society."

As I recall, during his stay in space, Ramon expressed his hope for peace in the Middle East. In his letter to the country's president at the time, Moshe Katsav, from the space shuttle Columbia (and quoted in the book "The Crash" by Avi Blizovsky and Yefa Shir-Raz, p. 132): "Our mission includes a number of international scientific experiments that are carried out for the benefit of all of us, including Arab countries. We work for the benefit of all humanity, from space the whole world appears as one unit without borders... and therefore I would like to read from above, from space - let's work for peace and for a better life for every person.:

Not the words of a war-mongering man as presented by MK Tibi.

10 תגובות

  1. Doc
    You are ridiculous and pathetic. I don't know whether to pity or be angry with people like you. But since there is a saying that to be angry is to punish yourself for the stupidity of others, so I mostly try to pity you.

    (And for the sake of sport, let's see how far your brain can go without making a mistake: Should the residents of Tayyaba have a problem getting services from people who served in combat units of the IDF? Let's say I'm a fighter pilot who served in the First Lebanon War and I want to come to elementary schools in Tayyaba to expose the children To the wonderful world of aviation, to bring them closer in this way to science, technology and simply to enrich them in a place where their parents do not have these abilities. Something that I may do in other places in the periphery for this very reason, but of course I do not want to give up on the Arabs. Do you think I should give up on them because of who I am? )

  2. Doc, it's not a call after an Israeli military man, it's after an Israeli astronaut. MK Tibi simply shows how much he opposes peace. Very simple. The right thing to do was to call Taiba to enthusiastically embrace a once-in-a-generation opportunity, shape their future and advance themselves to the forefront of technology. The constant poking around in the meaningless margins is what prevents us all from reaching true peace.

  3. Father, please!
    Yerka is a Druze village whose many sons serve in the army, and probably also fell in Israel's wars. What is the connection between them and Taiba Arabs?

    Guy, where did you get the information about the nature of the Taiba population?
    Have you recently looked at Wikipedia, for example, about the role played by Taiba in 1948?

  4. and. Doc, why do you say that the donors will not agree with the donor or his goals? It was a tender where it was clearly defined that it was a center named after the late Ilan Ramon, and the municipality chose to participate in the tender...

    The fact that Ahmed Tibi thinks otherwise is legitimate, and he is welcome to run for the city authority and reject donations that he does not see fit.

    He's just looking for headlines, otherwise he wouldn't be talking to Rabin who was probably responsible for more dead Arabs than Ilan Ramon, or any other Israeli who served in the IDF...

  5. V. Dok, the population of Taiba by nature is not considered to support the countries around us. They are not "their Arab brothers". I know Tibi residents who can admire Ilan Ramon, and I believe that the majority of the city's population is made up of such people, but MK Tibi is very radical, to say the least...

  6. and. Doc, why is it okay in Rika and not in Tiyeva, only Gabgalel who lives there is a member of the Knesset?
    I read a lot of criticism of the Arab media and politicians even on websites that are not suspected of being right-wing and even by Arab journalists. To curse someone, they write in the Israeli Arab press about a politician, they write that he cares more about the Israeli Arabs than the Palestinians. For us it is a positive sentence, because they are the ones who chose it, but the anti-Israel agenda controls these two sectors - Arab press and Israeli Arab politics.
    I wish there were people seeking integration in these two bodies.
    Only a twisted head can see such a contribution as negative.

  7. There are donations that cannot be made, because there is no chance that the donors will agree with the donor or his goals.
    Ilan Ramon is a source of pride for Israelis - except for Israeli Arabs - there is no point in ignoring this fact.
    Personally, I would be devastated if this particular donation were welcomed.
    This is not about the confession or conviction of an Israeli soldier - but about the fact that a contribution cannot be forced.

  8. The money is donated by a fund named after Ilan and Asaf Ramon. We also have sensitivities. Mr. Tibi will try to be a messenger of peace between us and the Arabs. For this matter, please start at home and then turn to the authority to moderate the anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli education. Let's assume for a moment that everything the Arabs say is true, are they blind to "small" Israeli gestures? Member of Knesset Tibi was Arafat's advisor during the days when he was considered our bitter enemy. And I do not believe that he (Arafat) changed direction at any time. After the Arabs get all they can get, they will start a war. And this can happen earlier. Is this what Knesset member Tibi is aiming for? I can't believe his eyes widened. I think he is humble in his head and he means what he does and says, and I think he also has intentions that he doesn't exactly declare and identify with. He should not be condemned for intentions and thoughts, but for his actions there is no immunity in my opinion. Israeli Arabs are like little children who are constantly testing borders.

  9. And Doc, you probably don't understand the difference between an Israeli pilot and a terrorist fighter. An Israeli soldier fights only those who try to harm Israelis, whether individually or to destroy the entire country. If civilians are harmed it is not on purpose and especially when the terrorists hide behind civilians.

    The attempt to make an equal decision between those who resort to terrorism and those who fight against it is petty and borders on lies and slander. It is a strategic weapon for everything. It was designed to weaken Israel in order to prevent it from defending itself, and indeed the crocodile tears of the terrorist emissaries and some innocent Israelis who believe them, succeeded in causing image damage in the world, because the world does not understand what it is to live under constant threat, and under a trickle of missiles that are deliberately launched at civilian targets that even the Goldstone Commission stated that they are contrary to international law.. . I do not accept that our peace will depend only on the accidental failure of terrorists. I prefer that there be deterrence and that there be a constant threat to them, including through planes. Otherwise, every news flash will be like songs and goals - jumping from one attack scene to another.

    I really don't like wars, and I would like there to be peace here, but until there is peace here, I have the right to be protected by the state. Without people like Ilan Ramon we would be eaten alive.

    The Arab sector deserves better representation, of people who want to promote education in it - especially in the technological fields so that the graduates can bring a blessing both to the country (most of whom are Stratafists) and to the engineers themselves and their families. Dealing with issues of honor does not bring honor to anyone.

  10. I'm not confused... I'm shocked by the opacity that brought to this proposal at all - to name a technological center in Taiba after an Israeli military man.
    And perhaps it is not a question of opacity, but rather a hidden intention in advance not to establish this center.
    It's not like taking a picture in the temple - I can think of parallel examples: the Center for Jewish Studies named after Paulus, or the Center for Democracy Studies named after Le Pen...

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