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According to the rate of electricity production from renewable energies so far, in 2030 its rate is expected to reach only 19% compared to the promise of 30%

This is evident from the chapter Mitigation - actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the special report of the State Comptroller about Israel's assessments of the climate crisis published this week. Instead of reducing carbon emissions they increased

The Orot Rabin power plant in Hadera. The coal-fired units were supposed to be used only in an emergency but they still run continuously. Illustration:
The Orot Rabin power plant in Hadera. The coal-fired units were supposed to be used only in an emergency but they still run continuously. Illustration:

Israel is still not a leading country in setting emission reduction targets * Has not presented a more ambitious target for renewable energies, and has not yet presented a target for 2050 * Greenhouse gas emissions in the years 2022-2015 increased by 1% while in 2022 alone, after the Corona, there was a 3.5% jump in emissions. This is according to the chapter dealing with mitigation - actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the State Comptroller's special report on Israel's assessments of the climate crisis published this week.

Global warming, which results from greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, is recognized as one of the most serious problems that the international community has to deal with. In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the partner countries to international agreements, including Israel, set national targets. The follow-up audit examined how the recommendations to correct the deficiencies raised in the previous report were implemented, as well as other aspects related to the actions of the government and public bodies that did not appear in it.

The auditor found that Israel is still not a leading country (to say the least) in setting goals, even though some of the updated goals are in the trend of increasing the level of national ambition, for example setting an absolute goal instead of per capita goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 27% by 2030 and 85% by 2050 2020, they are not in line with the level of ambition that exists in this regard in the other developed countries. As of 52, there is a considerable gap of 93% - 2030% between the GAZ reduction target rate set by Israel for 27 (41%) and the GAZ reduction goals set by developed countries including the USA, the European Union, the United Kingdom, Germany, France , Japan and the Netherlands (between 52% and 2030%). Israel did not present a more ambitious target for renewable energies for 30, and it remains 2023%. As of June 2050, the Ministry of Energy has not yet set a target for renewable energies for 2030. According to the OECD, a gap is expected between the targets set in Israel for the years 2050 and 2030 and between the forecast for achieving them with the current policy instruments, and the forecast for 20 is that the gap will be at a rate of about 650%, and it will go And will increase (in a business as usual situation) and will reach about 2050% in XNUMX.

The follow-up audit also revealed that in 2020 Israel achieved the lowest reduction of the developed countries, at a rate of 2% compared to 2015 - a gap of 5.5 to 10 times in the reduction rate of economy-wide emissions in the surveyed countries (which reduced between 11% and 20%) - And in 2021, Israel achieved a slight reduction of 1.5% in absolute emissions compared to 2015. However, in 2022 the amount of greenhouse gas emissions in Israel increased and reached 81.06 million tons of CO2e, which means an increase of approximately 3.5% compared to 2021. This is also reflected in the emissions data per capita which increased during this period by about 1.5%. Cumulatively, these data represent the erasure of the achievements in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Israel - and an increase of almost 1% compared to 2015 - mainly due to an increase in emissions in the transportation sector, the industrial sector and the buildings sector. According to the forecast of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the current rate of implementation of the government's policy will achieve a reduction of emissions at a rate of only 12% in 2030 compared to the set target of 27% (56% less than the target) - i.e. emissions in the amount of 69.4 million tons GZ this year instead 58 million tons. The expectation that the national target for reducing emissions will not be achieved is due to non-compliance with the sectoral targets. Thus, for example, electricity production from renewable energies is expected to be 19% in 2030 instead of 30% as stipulated in Government Resolution 465. Also, the reduction of emissions from the energy sector is expected to be only 21% instead of 30% (almost a third less than the target, and this is assuming that then electricity production will stop from coal).

The government did not implement the decision to stop the ongoing operation of the coal-fired units in Hadera

The auditor found that as of the end of June 2023, the government did not implement Resolution 4080 of July 2018, which was intended to bring about the cessation of the current operation of coal units 1-4 at the Orot Rabin facility. These units continue to generate electricity using coal as the main fuel. Furthermore, due to the global shortage of coal, units 1 - 4 are operated using high-sulphur coal, which results in levels of pollution and emissions of greenhouse gases, even higher than those emitted in the past, even though the amount of electricity production from coal remains the same from these units. It was also brought up that due to considerations of the survival of the electricity sector, these units will go into conservation, meaning that their emissions will not be completely stopped, and Israel will not meet its sectoral and general targets for reducing gas emissions. Regarding the production of electricity using renewable energies, it was found that although Israel has set low targets for itself compared to other OECD countries - the target was only achieved in 2022 when 10.1% of the electricity consumed is produced with renewable energies instead of in 2020. The assessment of the Ministry of Environmental Protection is that in 2025 electricity production from renewable energy from The total consumption will be about 14% (about 30% less than the established intermediate goal of 20%). The follow-up audit revealed that in Israel there is a gap of about 90% in the penetration of new electric vehicles out of all new vehicles compared to the average in European countries, and their rate is still very low - only about 1.14% of all vehicles. There is also a considerable gap between the proportion of electric vehicles in the total number of vehicles and their proportion according to the target of 25% set for 2030, and it is doubtful whether it will be possible to bridge it in about seven years.

The Ministry of Transportation plans to transfer only the urban public buses to electric vehicles, which are only about 18% of all buses and minibuses traveling on Israel's roads. Also, the Ministry of Transportation has no goals to transfer non-public city buses, intercity buses and minibuses to electric vehicles.

The critic Engelman recommends For the Ministry of Environmental Protection to continue to promote the anchoring of the national goal of carbon neutralization by 2050 within the framework of legislation, so that Israel will move to a zero-carbon economy and will not be satisfied with a low-carbon economy alone, and will also work to set targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the agriculture and construction sectors for both 2030 and 2050. The Ministries of Environmental Protection, Energy, Transportation, and the Economy, as well as the Planning Administration in the Ministry of the Interior, must act to reduce the gaps in achieving greenhouse gas emission reduction targets and work to meet the goals set for the main sectors that produce greenhouse gas, including the energy sector, the transportation sector, the industrial sector, and the waste sector.

More of the topic in Hayadan:

6 תגובות

  1. I understand that it is very difficult to get out of paradigms that you promote and are invested in - also emotionally, I guess.
    The problem is nevertheless: there is no real-solid-valid science that supports the scaremongering predictions of all kinds.
    [By the way - it's a bit absurd that you say "the writer wanted to make a living and money, as we know, blinds the eyes of the wise... -
    I need to mention again how many tens of billions per year flow into the "global warming prevention" industry and how much
    Do people make a living from it? Doesn't it blind them?…].
    I suggest again: try browsing the "green blog" - there are dozens and hundreds of posts - since 2008 - that analyze in depth,
    based on science and reliable studies - and not biased and "corrected" [as is customary in this field] - and presenting the
    The real reality - and this is very far from the various apocalypse prophecies.
    Happy holiday.

  2. Open a window. The apocalypse is already here but still the investment in preventing warming is smaller than the oil giants in increasing warming.
    Also according to data from international bodies, the rate of extinction is 10 times the background rate, that is, the rate that should have been without human intervention.
    The writer wanted to make a living and money, as is known, blinds the eyes of the wise.

  3. By the way relying on scientific sources - have you read this book?

    "Apocalypse never" - how the greens perpetuate poverty and harm us all
    Michael Shellenberger, winner of TIME magazine's "Hero of the Environment" award for 2008 and president of the "Environmental Progress" organization, is no longer afraid to tell the truth: global warming does not endanger the future of the world. The green movements are lying to us all that disaster is brewing and coming and their lies are taking a heavy toll.
    The article in which Schlenberger exposed the scam and was published on the occasion of the book's release in his regular forum in Forbes magazine, was taken down after pressure from green organizations. But the silencing attempts were unsuccessful. Only a day after its release, the book became a bestseller, ranked number 7 on Amazon's bestseller list, and two days later it even came out in a second edition.
    Shellenberger has been fighting for the environment since he was 17 years old, but during his years of activity he discovered that he was taking part in the great scam of the 21st century: the climate change scare. In "Apocalypse Never" he describes how anti-humanist activists thirsty for political influence, money and fame sold us all that if we don't stop having children, eating meat and developing the economy - the world is going to disappear.
    In "Apocalypse Never", Schlanberger shatters all the myths of environmental activists, while basing himself on his extensive experience and leading scientific studies from the world's most prestigious universities. Shellenberger refutes the claim that humans are leading to "mass extinction", reveals that carbon emissions have decreased in most developed countries and is in constant decline, that preventing future epidemics requires more industrialized agriculture and capitalist development, and that the policies that the green organizations are trying to promote harm the environment and cause the neglect of habitats and huge fires .

  4. Dear Mr. Blizovsky: Try to read some articles based on research and real data - not cooked up data of climatist-alarmist scientists - who have been making a living from their false predictions for 30 years and more.
    If you read these - you will see that the whole scarecrow of "climate warming" - is entirely a product of political-social-economic interests. And which pockets do these crazy amounts go to?]
    The whole legend of "renewable energies" [with the possible exception of practical nuclear fusion - which may arrive in a few decades] is a lie and a lie: starting with solar panels - which cause shocking environmental damage - simply unimaginable - also in the production process - and especially at the end of their life [in the scenario of reliance percentages high on solar energy - it will be necessary to bury millions of solar panels - just here in the State of Israel - every year - because it is impossible to recycle them]; Continue with "trading in carbon emissions" - which is all one big fraud; The eye catching electric cars [The environmental footprint of the electric car is not smaller than that of the gasoline car. Rather - it is bigger -
    It consumes more materials and energy for its production, and creates more waste. Also in this respect and in many other respects - the electric car is an inferior product (compared to a gasoline car)].
    And more: "corrected/engineered" global temperature and precipitation data - to fit alarmist theories about the "end of the world"
    [No wonder that young people in the world (in a much smaller country - thankfully) are in "climatic depression" and see no reason to start families - after all "we are destroying the ball - and the end is near...].
    There are many more such examples - many of them appear in the "green blog" - hundreds of articles since 2008 - that expose these lies.
    Do you have the intellectual honesty to deal head-on with the data that appears in the articles there?

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