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Protected: The Technion presents: the printer of the future

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4 תגובות

  1. Gal - strive for accuracy.. The content of the article is guilty of inaccuracy, which is very jarring to a professional ear.

  2. The future is already here. Apparently printers are indeed able to reach the desired accuracy. It doesn't seem to me that they would invest such a high amount in order to enjoy the low capabilities of the printers.

  3. Is it possible with this method to reach the same levels of precision as are achieved with chip processing methods? Is the resulting product as strong and durable as a product created in the milling process? (They talked here about making blades for aircraft engines)

  4. I expect a little more precision from the Technion.
    There are at least 13 XNUMXD printers for metal in Israel.
    ARCAM's method known as EBM does not make the use of a laser obsolete or technologically inferior. There are many advantages to laser melting

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