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Positive spin - research at the Technion was selected as one of the breakthroughs in photonics in 2023

The development is a spin laser from a single atomic layer - a development by Prof. Erez Hasman from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Prof. Elad Koren from the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering.

- Spin laser on an atomic scale: the image describes the laser resonator structure consisting of two types of nanoantenna structures. The radiation is trapped in the internal structure only (yellow). The active layer of the laser - a single atomic layer - is on the resonator. The laser beam is split into two beams by the opposite spins of the photons (light particles), which can be controlled with the help of the laser pump (credit: Scholardesigner co, LTD).
- Spin laser on an atomic scale: the image describes the laser resonator structure consisting of two types of nanoantenna structures. The radiation is trapped in the internal structure only (yellow). The active layer of the laser - a single atomic layer - is on the resonator. The laser beam is split into two beams with opposite spins of the photons (light particles), which can be controlled with the help of the laser pump (credit: Scholardesigner co, LTD).

The scientific monthly Laser Focus World states that one of the biggest breakthroughs in photonics for 2023 is laser spin from a single atomic layer - a development by Prof. Erez Hasman from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Prof. Elad Koren from the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering.

Technion researchers have developed a controlled coherent spin-optical laser based on a single atomic layer. According to The publication, this breakthrough "opens new horizons for basic research and optoelectronic devices by exploiting the spins of both the electron and the photon."

the innovative discovery, which was published in July 2023 in the prestigious journal Nature Materials, allows control of the spin of the photons emitted from a two-dimensional material and paves the way for new photonic devices based on "spin-optics on an atomic scale".

Electromagnetic waves (light), which also behave as massless particles called photons, have an internal property - "spin" of the photons. The spin, which is the internal angular momentum of the photons, depends on the direction of the circular polarization of the light. The research takes advantage of this property of photons, paves the way for the study of spin-dependent coherent phenomena both in a classical and quantum context and opens new horizons for basic research and optoelectronic devices based on the spins of both electrons and photons.

For the announcement in the video: (minute-02:57)

For more information: For the first time: a spin-optical laser at the atomic level - a new horizon for optoelectronic devices

More of the topic in Hayadan:

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